Monday, 18 February 2008

Food and water supply

1. A short video to show the causes of poor food supplies can be accessed here and watch the powerpoint below from Lisa Rabbetts (Geography teacher). If you can't see the powerpoint below click here to view it.

2. The revision notes on environmental hazards from S-Cool are helpful.

3. Drought and desertification in the Sahel should be one of your case studies. Click here for a short film and view the powerpoint below from Chesterton Community College. (If you can't see it below click here to go to slideshare to view it). This page has a really useful summary of the main issues.

4. You need to know what people have done to overcome water shortages. Go to this Oxfam page to make notes and also here and look at the case studies that show what water shortages mean to people around the world. Again, make notes if you haven't got some of this information in your class notes.

This Global Eye page is about water supply. Click on the link on the left of the page (The Marunda project).

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