1. Mr Chambers, Head of Geography at St Ivo School, Cambridgeshire has several excellent sections that will help you: An introduction to plate tectonics can be found here.. For information on the different plate boundaries click here. Animations of the movement at the different plate boundaries is here.. A podcast about tectonics is here.
The BBC Bitesize section on plate tectonics is useful, as are the revision notes from S-Cool. (You don't need all the sections here).
A plate tectonics revision list, including games can be found here
2. Comparing the effects of earthquakes in MEDCs and LEDCs is here and look at this section on preparing for earthquakes .
3. You will need also causes and prediction of earthquakes and the prediction of volcanic activity.
4. Volcanoes: Where they are found and why is here
5. Case studies: Mount St Helens 1980 (volcanic eruption in MEDC) from Mr Chambers is here. If you like podcasts try this one.
Mt Pinatubo 1991 (volcanic eruption in LEDC): A 44 second film from You Tube shows some of the effects of this eruption on the surrounding area and on the USA's air base that was evacuated.
Further details on this eruption can be found here and here.
In class we did the eruptions on Montserrat - its fine to use this instead if you classwork notes are detailed enough!
You need examples of earthquakes in LEDCs and MEDCs.
Kobe, Japan, 1995 - this BBC page has some outline details and a link to a short film clip. There is a podcast here if you prefer listening to watching!
Kashmir (Pakistan) earthquake - A powerpoint from another Geography teacher: (Slideshare is playing up at the moment and doesn't like embedding powerpoints - no idea why! If the powerpoint doesn't show below click here to view it instead.)
and some more details (from yet another geographer!) here.
The Kashmir earthquake from You Tube
If you prefer the Bam earthquake in Iran try this.
If you want information on the San francisco earthquake of 1989 go here.
6. Finally (!) Animated guides to earthquakes and volcanoes from the BBC.
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